Waivers - 2023
I know that participating in physical fitness events such as this bicycling Tour is a potentially hazardous activity. I agree not to participate unless I am medically able, have obtained my physician’s approval, am properly prepared, and agree to wear a helmet.
“Tour” shall include but is not limited to, all activities, events, or services in any way provided, organized, sponsored, or authorized by the Tour Organizers. On my own behalf and on behalf of any minors or third parties for whom I am registering, I agree that:
we will abide by any decision of a Tour official concerning our ability to safely participate;
we will assume any and all risk associated with the Tour, including but not limited to falls, contact with other persons or objects, the effects of weather, traffic, and course conditions; and
we hereby consent to permit and accept responsibility for emergency treatment in the event of injury or illness. As a condition of participating on this tour, I for myself, any minors or any third party for whom I am acting waive and release Niagara Cycling Tours LLC, Peter Donato, All Sports Marketing Inc. and any associated or related entities, their directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, sponsors, volunteers and organizers (“Niagara Cycling Tours”) from present and future claims and all liabilities of any kind, known or unknown, arising out of our participation in the Tour or related activities, even though such claim or liability may arise out of the negligence or fault on the part of the Tour Organizers.
We agree that:
Niagara Cycling Tours shall not be liable for any personal injury, death, or property loss, and we release Niagara Cycling Tours and waive all claims with respect thereto; and
to hold harmless and indemnify Niagara Cycling Tours, from any and all liability for any property damage or personal injury to any third party resulting from my participation in the Tour.
We grant permission to Niagara Cycling Tours Organizers to use or authorize others to use our personal information, in the nature of any photographs, images or documentation of our participation in this Tour or related activities without remuneration being provided to us. I represent and warrant:
I am over eighteen (18) years of age, and that if I am registering a minor that I am the parent or guardian of such minor;
If I am registering third parties, I have been duly authorized to act on behalf of such parties; and
That the terms of this registration shall apply equally to me, any minor, and to any third party for whom I am acting. The participation in Niagara Cycling Tours by any third party shall be their confirmation that I was acting as their agent. I have read this waiver of liability and indemnity agreement. I understand and accept its terms.
I agree that signatures exchanged by facsimile, email, and online acceptance shall be binding as originals. Contact us for paper options if accepting via electronic means.
Printed Name: ____________________ Trip Name and Date: ____________________
Signature: ____________________________ Date: ___________

Link to Custom Tours Form - Mobile